
Mood: Bloomy (OOTD)

It was super gloomy and rained bits and bops the other day. It seemed like the weather god couldn’t decide whether to rain full-on or just stay moody, so as highly influenced by the mood, I felt like I dressed a little gloomy too. Here, I’m sharing my outfit of the day that was very much inspired by the weather.

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As you can tell, my outfit involved a lot of dark and blue hues of colors.

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I am always looking for an excuse to wear stripes, thus here I am wearing my white and dark blue striped T-shirt, which is the comfiest and the easiest piece to throw on! I also wore my Buddhist beaded necklace from Nepal to add a little something to the casual striped tee.

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A loose denim shirt is one of my favourite go-to staple to wear when it gets a little chilly outside. It was perfect for the wet and cool weather as it is not overly thick.

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I added another hue of blue with my dark washed high-waisted blue jeans from American Eagle. By the way, I am totally obsessed with American Eagle Jeans! It’s become my favourite place to shop for jeans! These are the kinds that are super-stretchy material and they are very good quality and well-made. They hug my lower body so tightly yet I can totally run & jump on them! They are sooooooo comfortable!

It was probably not a good idea to wear those velvet flats though as the rain water kinda soaked the velvet. Oh well! At least it matched my bag!

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Anyways, here I am feeling a little hopeful for a brighter day! Even though I love cooler, gloomy days like this, I was already missing the usual bright (not the humid or heat though, just the sunshine :D) Hong Kong!

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Hope you enjoyed reading about my outfit of the day. Do share if you dress according to the weather mood like me! 🙂

Outfit details:

Striped-Tee// Cotton On

Denim Shirt// Stradivarius

Jeans// American Eagle

Flats// Cotton On

Bag// H& M


Oddinary Girl

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